Monday, April 18, 2011


I have had to teach my mom the correct pronounciation of quesadilla recently, as she was phonetically pronouncing it. So, she now orders it correctly - almost too correctly, and gives me a proud look, saying "got that word right!!".  It is hilarious.

Anyways, I thought I would test this yummy looking quesadilla recipe from Pioneer Woman which has many of my favorite things stuffed inside!!

I would have never touched any of these ingredients as a kid, but I can't believe I was brave enough to try spinach, mushrooms, and goat cheese at different times in my life. I can honestly say these are what I look for when I am out to eat, what I love on pizza, and it was so easy to make!!

Just look at these ingredients all piled up on a yummy tortilla shell. It's really too good to be true.

Click on the Pioneer Woman link above and try it for yourself! It does not disappoint!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Be back soon.

Have been uber busy with fun stuff the past month, and will be posting soon with some fun pictures and delicious food soon!